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Posted by NAR on 04/20/2021

Few industries have as much competition—and as much opportunity—as the real estate field. As a new agent, how can you stay a step ahead and reach your full potential? You have the mindset, the personality, and the basics down, now you need some key resources to start you off on the right track. Your Store, the REALTOR Store, offers tools that will inform, inspire, and motivate you as you lay the foundation for a successful career. Explore our many curated resources aimed at helping you start and grow your real estate business, including these three must-haves:

Your First Year in Real Estate: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional

Reading this book should be your first order of business when you’re planning your career in real estate—even before you have your license, so that as soon as you do, you can hit the ground running! Your first year is likely to be one of the toughest as you break into the market, but if you’re prepared and ready to do the hard work, you can avoid some of the pitfalls and put yourself on a path to a bright future.

Learn from the vast experience of author Dirk Zeller, who’s coaching team works with more than 50,000 real estate agents every year. You’ll find his secrets to success, including eye-opening sales techniques along with practical answers and step-by-step solutions to the most common obstacles and challenges new agents experience. It’s a great playbook for new agents, or a refresher course for experienced agents at any stage of their career.

How to Make $100,000+ Your First Year as a Real Estate Agent

Interested in earning six figures from real estate sales—even in your first year on the job? This book, by renowned real estate agent, broker, and nationally known speaker Darryl Davis, provides a step-by-step guide to jumpstart a lucrative real estate career, whether it’s your first professional job or you’re looking to switch careers down the road.

Davis walks you through everything from the basics, like preparing for your real estate exam and finding the right office to work with, to building a referral base, generating leads, and developing a network of other professionals. Learn successful strategies and proven systems that will help you start making money right out of the gate.

How To Become a Power Agent in Real Estate: A Top Industry Trainer Explains How to Double Your Income in 12 Months

In this essential resource, also by Darryl Davis, creator of top-selling training programs, you’ll find information and inspiration to help put you on a path to harnessing true earning power as you learn to generate more sales in less time.

Based on Davis's successful POWER Program, this battle-tested, agent-proven guide supplies all of the commanding sales techniques and practical management tips you need to close more sales and significantly increase your income. You'll learn potent time-management techniques for working with clients and getting the most out of every day. Discover key concepts of prospecting, find out how to conduct a successful listing presentation, and learn how to handle objections and skillfully facilitate negotiations.

Visit Your Store, the REALTOR® Store,your one-stop-shop for all the tools and resources you need for a successful start in real estate and to keep your competitive edge throughout your career.

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