PRO TIP: Unlock a 10% discount when you purchase the complete bundle of 2024 Code of Ethics materials instead of buying them individually. Maximize your savings while accessing all the essential resources!
Freshly Revised for 2024! Now Available!
Please note: Due to overwhelming demand, some shipments may encounter slight delays.
Annually updated, this pamphlet is a comprehensive guide featuring the Articles of the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Practice, outlining the exemplary conduct anticipated from both REALTORS® and REALTOR ASSOCIATES®. Perfect for introducing new members to the ethical standards of the profession.
Sold in physical format, each order includes packages of 100 pamphlets.
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Product details
- type:
- brochure
- fbt-product:
- /the-realtor-advantage-is-your-agent-a-realtor-brochure/
- fbt-product:
- /the-little-book-series-8-pack/
- label:
- NEW!
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2024 Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice Pamphlet (100-Pack)
- SKU:
- 166-288-24
- Author:
PRO TIP: Unlock a 10% discount when you purchase the complete bundle of 2024 Code of Ethics materials instead of buying them individually. Maximize your savings while accessing all the essential resources!
Freshly Revised for 2024! Now Available!
Please note: Due to overwhelming demand, some shipments may encounter slight delays.
Annually updated, this pamphlet is a comprehensive guide featuring the Articles of the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Practice, outlining the exemplary conduct anticipated from both REALTORS® and REALTOR ASSOCIATES®. Perfect for introducing new members to the ethical standards of the profession.
Sold in physical format, each order includes packages of 100 pamphlets.
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